
Many of us are familiar with the Alanon Book “Courage to Change”. It is a collection of healthy messages for daily living. Many of the passages speak of the courage to let go of resentments, courage to care for ourselves in mind, body and spirit, and courage to allow others to face their own challenges without smothering them with controlling thoughts and actions. This book is the centerpiece of 12 step recovery for family members who love someone with alcoholism or addictions. It takes courage to change ourselves rather than focus on the wrongs of another. Courage comes in ways of being still in the midst of a storm and other times standing strong for our boundaries.

Courage is exemplified by being able to ask for help when our pride says “you need to handle this alone”. Asking for professional help from a trained therapist/counselor may be the catalyst for a more satisfying life. Let’s grow our “Courage to Change”.

Sharon Nelson, LCSW

Mental Health and Relationship Counselor- Feel Better, Live Better


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