Balancing the Blended Family

Being a parent is tough.  Being a stepparent is even tougher.  When a family goes thru divorce and re-marriage things can get sticky if you are not all on the same page.  If both you and your spouse have ex-spouses and children, the complications multiply.  It will take time to make the needed adjustments to balance your blended family.

Parents are often unsure of how to handle issues within the family regarding their child in relation to the new stepparent or the ex-spouse. The stress of trying to balance schedules, parenting styles, communication styles, discipline styles and other issues can seem overwhelming.  Whether it is differences with the stepparent or the ex-spouse, it is important to work on finding common ground for the sake of the children. For the health of your marriage and family, you want to work together, not against one another.  Children often put the blame on themselves for problems between their parents.  They may have a lot of anger and confusion over the breakup or new marriage, that they do not know how to express.  

Reaching out for help in dealing with these stressful issues can make a huge difference in the life of your entire family.  A counselor can provide a safe environment for communication between the parent/s and child.  If emotions are running high, communication strained and the problems are interfering with the relationships between you and your child or spouse, it is time to seek help. 

Some steps to strengthen your family may include establishing clear rules and boundaries, keeping all parents involved, regular communication, pre-planning, and setting aside time as a couple and individual time with the children.

At Pinnacle Counseling, we work with adults and children of all ages, and are ready to help you work through the uncertainty, the frustrations, and the growing pains of a blended family.


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